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Guideline NT11 Fast Full Flex

  • 11 499 kr

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NT11 Fast Full Flex Double Hand 

En överraskande favorit från ingenstans. 

Vi hade inte räknat med att denna serien skulle dyka upp, men i samband med Tellis anslöt till Guideline, så kom så småningom detta spöt på marknaden.

Ett riktigt super spö som laddar djupt men återhämtar sig snabbt. Välkomna inom för att provkasta

Let us introduce our new type of rod action - Fast Full Flex, a rod action type that truly merges the best with the feeling of a super light rod and explosiveness, but together with an almost nostalgic type of feeling.

Are you the type of angler that really loves those crispy, almost explosive type of rods for high line speed? But at the same time, you would like to feel more how the very bottom of the rod flexes, giving you a little bit more time to set up your cast?

These rods give you more time to set up your cast, and to slow down a little bit if wanted. But don’t let that fool you or believe that these rods are in anyway “slow”! The kick comes a tiny bit later, but you will still feel the power and extreme line speed as the rod unloads. The recovery in these rods are incredible thanks to the T1100 material. We have pushed the rod curve all the way down through the butt section and enhancing that type of wanted action by making the tip sections noticeably stiffer than the regular NT11. This also gives you a big lifting power when using longer Spey lines or heavier sinking heads as it naturally slows you down, getting time to really get that line out of the water. The rod will remind you of the older parabolic type of rods that flexes all the way through your hands, but with a clear feeling of a fast and crispy rod with the best, state of the art technology there is!

G Loomis IMX-PRO

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599 kr

Nám Tafsmaterial

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SAGE SPEY R8 ROD 12.6 #8

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